First Blog Post–A Letter of Introduction

Greetings and Welcome to our web page for Sacred Rainforest. We are a relatively new group, having just recently obtained our status as an Incorporated non-profit Society. We are not exactly new to the World of non-profits and our strength as a founding group is one of purpose.

As the Founder, I am grateful to all of those who stood beside me in the decision to form this beloved group. The time is right, the time in NOW…to offer our Community a gathering place whereby all peoples of all walks of faith, energy, socio-economic standing, gender identity, backgrounds, belief systems, race, colour or creed can come together and mutually commune together as a Society rich in a colourful kaleidoscope of infinite possibilities.

Our common threads run deeply in our creative diversity and we share and support, honour, appreciate, admire, love and uphold all in the unfoldment of our Soul’s journeys through this walk on our beloved Mother Earth this time around.

Regardless of your faith belief, you should feel safe to express your true self in this compassionate and nurturing environment.  Therefore, we offer a Community-based setting for all to bring their treasures to us in a place where that expression of Self is received with the utmost respect and we encourage all pure of heart and well-intended folks to bring their talents to the surface and share their Wisdom abiding by the Worlds great Wisdom traditions.

Whether it be prayers, poems, song, dance, meditation or other rituals we welcome your input to what will be an amazing journey. We offer in return our own expertise and knowledge of various faith practices around the Globe and deliver them in very unique and artistic ways. No one is denied the opportunity to share their Earth walk in this environment.

We offer all Celebration of Life Ceremonies from baby blessings & naming gatherings, to coming of age rites, to Weddings and Nuptials including Vow Renewals in all ‘faith walks’ from traditional to Hindu, Buddhist, Forest, Beach, Celtic Handfasting, to name but a few. We provide a full range of end of life ceremonies adapted personally to suit your every need at the time of transition of a loved one, including pets.  Remembering our beloveds we provide Gravesite tributes and blessings. Our Community outreach extends to all who feel disconnected or in need of loving guidance, care, visits, referrals to other Social agencies and holistic support. We strongly support the LGBTQ community and embrace their family units.

We will be holding regular gatherings which will include food, friendship, music, laughter, meditations, singing, dancing, potlucks and also Workshops, Seminars, Courses and informative sessions on issues that concern our Village.

We are in the process right now of establishing ourselves as a Charitable Organization and hope that most of what we will offer will be by donation so that we can pass along the kindnesses to others in need both in our own Tribe and on a Global level.

Welcome, AHO, Namaste’…we ask that it be so…and so it is…all Good blessings…

Sue Girard

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